Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fischbach to Gailingen

From Fischbach, we rode along lovely stretches of the Bodensee with steep vineyard- covered hills on our right. After arriving in Meersburg, we admired the interesting sculpture at the end of the pier and the lovely old buildings, before riding onto the car ferry for a scenic trip across the lake to Konstanz. After morning tea in the cathedral square, we headed down some cobbled streets to the lake. Konstanz has an outstanding waterfront area.
After a pleasant ride through some lovely old villages, we stopped for lunch at Mammern beside the lake and went for a paddle.
Then we rode to Stein am Rhein. Wow. This place has the most beautifully decorated and restored 15th century streets we have ever seen. It is not to be missed.
Another ten km, including a very steep climb on a gravel path through a forest, brought us to our pre- booked accommodation. The place was all locked up and deserted.
A chat with neighbours sorted everything out. The notice on the front door advised guests ( in German ) to go next door for their key. They are very trusting in Germany. Last night's landlady left us with the key to lock up after she went to work!

1 comment:

  1. Howdy intrepid explorers. Just arrived back from O/s tnis afternoon. Suffering the usual waves of jetlag! Great to see u r blogging again. BTW, did u take your own bikes again? We did; they have come back w us (always a miracle! haven't looked in the bike bags yet to see what condition they are in!). Had to laugh at your lpcked up accom. tale. We arrived into Ulm only to find our accommodation locked up & deserted - a passerby informed us the owners had gone away on holidays!!! Love th look of the Constanz trip - looked at this as an option this year (will do another time)
